Recurrent flooding opposite Kiln Cottage due to partially blocked drain
Hunsterson Lane approaching Crewe Rd, evidence of flooding
Water emerging from gulley on A51
Water flowing past blocked gulley on A51
Blocked gulley A529 W side near Park Lane Jcn
Blocked gulley A529 - Hatherton bends
Blocked gulley A529 - Hatherton bends
Blocked gulley A529 - Hatherton bends
Blocked gulley A529 - Hatherton bends
Blocked gulley A529 - Hatherton bends
Blocked gulley A529 - Hatherton bends
Water emerging from under road surface near W/O valve cover
Water from near W/O cover sinking into almost blocked gulley
Partially blocked gulley on Crewe Road
Flooding Chapel Bends on Crewe Road
Flooding Chapel Bends on Crewe Road
Blocked gulley Crewe Road
Blocked gulley on Lodge Lane
Floodong Lodge Lane emerging gulley on R and running into field on L
Water emerging from gulley on Lodge Lane
Water from gulley running into adjacent field
In wet conditions, water emerges from this gulley
Park Lane - Cheshire County Council 1889!
Repair to flooding and leak on Crewe Road
Temporary protection on Hunsterson Road
Water emerging from gulley on Crewe Road
Issue 11 Hunsterson Rd to Crewe Road 1
Issue 11 Hunsterson Rd to Crewe Road 2
Issue 11 Hunsterson Rd to Crewe Road 3
Hunsterson Rd and Lodge Lane junction
Flood from Dagfields 1
Flood from Dagfields 2
Flood from Dagfields 3
Flood from Dagfields 4
Flood from Dagfields 5
Blocked drains opposite Oat Eddish 1
Blocked drains opposite Oat Eddish 2
Blocked and damaged drain opposite Chapel Farm
Drains A529 20190224 a
Drains A529 20190224 b
Drains A529 20190224 c
Emerging gulley Crewe Rd - dry conditions
Blocked drains
Hunsterson Rd at Park Lane Jcn
Lodge Lane
Lodge Lane
Lodge Lane
Blocked drains, London Road
Blocked gulley, Wybunbury Road
Blocked gulley on Audlem Road
Blocked gulleys on Audlem Road (near and far side)
Gulley on Audlem Road with water emerging
Blocked gulley on Bridgemere Lane
Blocked gulley on Hunstreson Road at Parke Lane crossroads
Continuing flooding of road at Walgherton crossroads/Wybunbury Road
Water emerging from under road
Blocked gulley A529 hr Newholme
Missing grid at Manor Farm
Blocked gulley opposite Dagfields entrance
Blocked gulley opposite Dagfields entrance
Blocked gulley opposite Dagfields entrance
Broken grid opposite Oak Dene
Huns Road
Verge alongside A529 at Hatherton House
Verge alongside A529 at Hatherton House
Water leaking onto road and road collapsing
Missing grid on London Road SJ 68638 49171
Missing grid on London Road SJ 68679 49176
Water running along edge of A529
Water running along edge of A529
Water running along edge of A529
Flooding on Lodge Lane