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The table shows details for the issue number [R013]. If any explanation is required, contact the Parish Council through the enquiry page.

H and W issue number: R013
Type of issue: o => 6: other (please specify)
Title: New Wall pillars in road
Road: 9H => Bridgemere Lane
Location & NGR: Outside Quintins Orchard
Detail: 2 new gate pillars have been built weekend 4/2/18, encroaching on the carriageway. This is dangerous
Action to be taken or taken: Reported to Highways as a safety issue. Brick Pillars on the roadside have been demolished.
Date reported to authority: 5/2/18
Authority's reference and name: 3315509
Response from authority:
Date issue closed: 18/2/18
Status: h => 7: hidden from list

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