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The table shows details for the issue number [R060]. If any explanation is required, contact the Parish Council through the enquiry page.

H and W issue number: R060
Type of issue: 2 => 2: signs
Title: Chevron signs flattened on dangerous bend
Road: 2H => Audlem Rd S of Crewe Rd
Location & NGR: SJ 67968 46470
Detail: Update 02/02/2020: new issue. Chevron sign flattened.
Action to be taken or taken: Update 26/03/2020: issue reported to Cheshire East. Update 27/09/2020: no change. Update 24/01/2021: no change. Update 28/03/2021: no change. Update 14/05/2021: no change. Update 24/07/2021: no change. Update 18/09/2023: reported again as issue R0132 = 5005456
Date reported to authority: 26/03/2020
Authority's reference and name: 3395201
Response from authority: Update 20/03/2020: "All roads and footways on the highway network are regularly inspected as part of our scheduled safety inspection regime. The Conditions of Signs at Audlem Road, Hatherton has been assessed and will be considered for inclusion in an appropriate future programme. At this stage, I am unable to give you any indication on timescale. In the meantime, we will continue to monitor the condition of this location via the scheduled inspection regime, and keep it in a safe condition for all highway users."
Date issue closed:
Status: r => 3: reported

Linked pictures: P143: Chevron sign down on Audlem Road  

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